Fitting Mold Service
Unique tool for Bespoke Tailors
Fitting Mold Service
Unique tool for Bespoke Tailors
Bespoke Service Bespoke Fitting
Bespoke Service Bespoke Fitting
  • What it does?
    Fitting Mold is a tool to ensure we have grasped the exact fit of the suit for your client. It acts like insurance, it is a prototype of the actual suit made in a standard grey fitting mold fabric.
  • What it does?
    Fitting Mold is a tool to ensure we have grasped the exact fit of the suit for your client. It acts like insurance, it is a prototype of the actual suit made in a standard grey fitting mold fabric.
  • Customer Experience
    Remember we have only got one first impress, so does Hondsyork. It is very important to let your clients to know that they are in good hands for getting a high quality bespoke suit. Our fitting mold will allow our partners to provide an exclusive experience to their clients with a very personally fitting appointment according to their own body shape.
  • Customer Experience
    Remember we have only got one first impress, so does Hondsyork. It is very important to let your clients to know that they are in good hands for getting a high quality bespoke suit. Our fitting mold will allow our partners to provide an exclusive experience to their clients with a very personally fitting appointment according to their own body shape.
  • One of One
    Our body shape is different from one to another, even for identical twins. In garments term, none of the product within the readymade market fits. Each of our fitting mold are handmade into our partner’s specification for their clients, from style to measurements, all yours.
  • One of One
    Our body shape is different from one to another, even for identical twins. In garments term, none of the product within the readymade market fits. Each of our fitting mold are handmade into our partner’s specification for their clients, from style to measurements, all yours.
  • How it works
    • 5 simple steps
    • Step 1: Have you client to try on the fitting mold
    • Step 2: Take images (front, back and side) for our reference
    • Step 3: Ask for your client’s comment of the style and fit
    • Step 4: Gather the information of your client with your comments and pass it to us
    • Step 5: Wait for your perfectly fitting finished product
  • How it works
    • 5 simple steps
    • Step 1: Have you client to try on the fitting mold
    • Step 2: Take images (front, back and side) for our reference
    • Step 3: Ask for your client’s comment of the style and fit
    • Step 4: Gather the information of your client with your comments and pass it to us
    • Step 5: Wait for your perfectly fitting finished product
Hondsyork Group
Your Tailoring Business Partner
Hondsyork Group
Your Tailoring Business Partner